Harnessing The Power Of Presence – Life Tools

Harnessing the Power of Presence: Cultivating Impactful Connections

Hello, Spiritual Warrior!


Join me in this short clip from the first webinar of my Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Teacher Training held last year – this is an inside peek into our first lesson – The Power of Presence!

The Power of Presence cannot be underestimated. It is the living, breathing background that rests behind everything that we see, do, and experience in the world.

Writing a book? Make your first chapter about the Power of Presence.

Giving a speech? Start with the Power of Presence.

Answering a phone call or email? Power of Presence.

The power of presence can be your fractal to walk through this world with greater grace and greater ease. In the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 Verse 48, we learn that Arjuna is asking God how to live his life – and God replies ‘Yogastha Kuru Karmani’ – establish yourself in the present moment and then perform action.

In other words, Get Still, and then Be Brilliant.

Infuse the power of presence into all that you do, and watch how everything transforms.

Namaste – davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

P.S. Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to my channels to keep your ripple flowing in our community & support this content!!! Check out my Mind Shift membership too  Sending you peace, presence and surrender to the divine within you. Be well.

Namaste. -davidji & Peaches the Buddha Princess

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