You’re Doing It Right

When I was little I got in trouble for putting out food for cats that weren’t ours. “They’re not our responsibility,” dad said. Few things felt more wrong to me than ignoring the animals that would have been easy to help.

I’m glad that was a lesson that didn’t take hold. (No offense, dad! We each have different dreams!)

To this day some of my favorite friends across the globe put food out every day for cats that aren’t theirs. Feral cat community caregivers unite! It was really nice to go from thinking I was wrong for having inappropriate impulses to celebrating them with the most generous and committed company ever!

And that’s a gift I return to my soul-centered community: letting conscious creators know it’s not just appropriate but it’s the only thing that reliably works: to honor the impulses from inner guidance. If you’re listening to the wisdom within – which is what it means to answer the calls of joy and relief – you’re doing it right!

That’s important to remember because we get a lot of inner nudges that we’ve been trained to ignore.

Especially when it comes to conscious creation …

It was a natural impulse when we were young to play and connect and love and relish. Once we got older we learned that no, work is what matters, we have to be careful who we befriend, and it’s not cool to enjoy life’s abundance while others go without. We learned to be on alert for trouble, follow the rules, and work for our worthiness.

Much of what we do as conscious creators is designed to overwrite that old programming and learn to honor the natural impulses and inner wisdom again. To trust and allow the natural abundance and success unfolds when we work with the system instead of against it.

That’s certainly what I’m doing with fellow creators: reminding each other that it’s okay to have fun; that it’s smart to expect the best, and that struggling contradicts our success.

Practicing these things solo can be a little intimidating while it seems the rest of the world is convinced we’re doing it wrong, which is why I love it when we connect for reinforcement and encouragement that it really is okay to feed cats that don’t belong to anyone, to offer shelter and medical support to animals in need, and to prioritize what feels better (whatever that may be).

I hope you’re getting that reinforcement, encouragement or just plain old great company to strengthen your LOA ways here. Whether you’re benefiting from the LOA Recon podcast, Good Vibe blog posts, my newsletters, vibration prompt texts, the GVU party, or the ebooks or courses – I hope you’re getting good inspiration to embrace the practices that make the real difference in living what we want.

And for those of you who are brave enough to do this in a business you love, you’re invited to join me and fellow entrepreneurs in a new round of Vibration Bosses starting at the end of this month. It’s my newly designed 3 month program to lead and support LOA-savvy business owners in creating the success that conventional methods haven’t yielded.

The only strategies and tactics we engage in this program are the ones designed to raise our vibrational alignment. (Since finding the right vibration is much more effective than taking all the muggle actions.)

It’s priced to be super affordable while still offering personal support and intimate group camaraderie, so check it out now if you’ve been thinking it’d be nice to be with others who understand (and practice) the art of conscious creation in manifesting your business dreams. Thank you!

The post You’re Doing It Right first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.