When Being Positive Isn’t Working

What to do when positive thinking isn’t working?

A slew of related questions on this topic appeared in my inbox last week, so I’m addressing them here for anyone else wondering why thinking positive isn’t working as intended …

My life is a mess and there’s nothing to be positive about.

To anyone who feels like there’s nothing good in their life they can appreciate or feel grateful for, I suggest the first place to start is feeling your feelings. Trying to conjure positivity while other emotions are present is a difficult ask. Also, it might be helpful to think of your aim as feeling better rather than feeling positive. Sometimes we have to get mad before we can feel thankful. It’s a journey up the emotional scale.

I’m very positive but it isn’t translating into positive manifestations.

Look again. Either you’re not as positive as you think you are, or your manifestations aren’t as negative as you’re concluding. Maybe some of both. Because Universe doesn’t mismatch vibrationally and the law of attraction doesn’t fail. So it may be that there’s a glitch in your vibe you haven’t spotted, or good manifestations that you’re missing. Most of us have a mix of vibrations and get a mix of manifestations, and our opportunity is simply to feel better wherever we can however we can.

It doesn’t feel authentic to stay positive in the face of certain things.

Agreed! Feeling our feelings is an important part of successful vibration management! I believe we came here for the full range of human emotions and that there’s nothing wrong with feeling whatever we feel, even when it’s not pretty. I also believe the more emotional range we give ourselves as conscious creators, the easier it is to return to our natural state of enjoyment. That’s because allowing is more helpful than resisting, even (or especially) when it comes to emotions.

The thing I wanted happened after I gave up trying to be positive.

Isn’t that hilarious when that happens?! I think the key here is “gave up trying” – which was likely the vibrational upgrade that allowed the manifestation. Trying isn’t as conducive to manifestation as allowing. There’s something about saying yes to what is that can be a big vibrational improvement. Congrats, and keep on giving up! 🙂

I’m good at being positive in every area of life except one.

Well then, your work is clear. Sometimes the positivity from other things can spill over into this one that you’re not loving, so simply focusing more on what’s going right in your world can resolve this. But if that’s not already happening, and if it’s an area you’d like to change, you’re going to want to expand your positive expertise into this subject. Practice is all it takes! Start small, don’t make it a big deal, and stop telling the “one exception” story.

I tried being positive but it siphoned off my motivation to create change.

Okay, but did you get other inspirations? Are you enjoying yourself? Is there actually a problem here? If being positive led to greater life enjoyment, I think you nailed it!

What about research that says positive thinking isn’t helpful?

I used to work in research, plus I’m a conscious creator who knows that we get what we look for, so I know firsthand to take research results with a grain of salt. It’s easy to find conflicting research results. My practice is to listen to what resonates with my inner being and I suggest you do the same. Maybe your guidance is pointing you in a direction that will work better for you. Listen to it! Your inner wisdom is worth listening to above mine and above any research results. (And yes, sometimes our inner guidance points us to research results as a way of getting our attention, so listen to what your true/source/higher self thinks about it.)

What questions do you have about the role of positive thinking in conscious creation? What tips do you have for those who are wondering about this topic?

Would love to hear from  you in the comments!

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The post When Being Positive Isn’t Working first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.