Vibrational Kinks in the Matrix?

There’s a thing that sometimes happens in the body called referred pain, where you might experience pain in an area that isn’t the actual cause of the pain.

(Like when a left arm hurts but it’s really the heart having the issue. Or there’s numbness in fingers as a result of a pinched nerve along the spine.)

The same thing can happen in manifesting, too …

Where the thing we think we have a problem with isn’t actually the vibration causing the unwanted manifestation.

Like when someone is having trouble manifesting love or romance …

It would be easy to conclude they should work on focusing on the traits and qualities of their ideal partner, or remembering their favorite parts from past loves (instead of focusing on what they didn’t like or what went wrong), or stop doing things they don’t like (online dating, for example) and expecting something good to come from it.

That’s where a lot of conscious creators would point their attention, and would often be well rewarded for their efforts!

But sometimes the reason love and romance remain elusive isn’t because they’re not aligned to love and romance – it’s because they aren’t feeling worthy of that ideal love. In which case the more effective alignment work would be to focus on self-love and worthiness.

Or another example might be when someone isn’t manifesting the sales or customers that they want for their business …

It would be natural to direct one’s alignment efforts on conjuring perfect clients or intending effortless sales.

But sometimes the real kink is that they don’t know how to have money. Sometimes that’s the vibration holding customers and sales at bay.

They could be doing all sorts of alignment work for an abundance of customers, but if they don’t know how to be rich, the dots aren’t going to connect.

How to know if this might be in play for your manifesting projects?

One way to see if “referred vibe kinks” might be hindering your manifestations is to ask: What comes after you get what you want? And do you know how to have that?

For clients, sales, job offers, lottery wins, etc.: Do you know how to have money? (Or the responsibility of delivering what you were hired for?)
For relationships: Do you know how to be loved?
For weight loss: Do you know how to be attractive?
For physical body healing: Do you know to feel good about and in your body?
For tech support or helpers you’re calling in: Do you know how to let it be easy? Do you know how to be supported?

Because sometimes it’s those underlying vibrations that are missing that are causing the slowdown in our desired manifestations.

This is why Abraham, among other teachers, often call for having an overall intention of just feeling better in general – because in theory that can resolve anything that’s kinky. You don’t have to figure it out and trace it all back. Just address the whole system at once by activating an overall feel good vibe.

But Abe also says every subject is right where you left it, and sometimes, pinpointing the issue is the swiftest way to create big change.

Trust your inner guidance to point you in the right direction.

Also, if you’ve been doing one approach and aren’t satisfied with the results, try something else. Because it doesn’t take long for our edited vibe to manifest itself in real life results!

Sometimes the vibrational block that’s holding up our progress isn’t what we’re focused or working on.

The same way pain in the left arm sometimes means something’s up with your heart – if you’re feeling frustrated with lack of results despite all your best alignment efforts, it might be worth looking further up the line to see if it’s something else altogether that wants your frequency adjusting attention.

This is why my Vibration Bosses series includes an entire 8 week course on Tuning to Money. Because calling in clients is pointless if we don’t know how to have plenty of money.

If this has been an issue for you, you’re invited to join the Tuning to Money program starting June 25th. It’s specifically for those who run their own show or have a side hustle that holds more financial possibility than it’s delivered – yet.

Because a lot of times the reason we’re not rocking it in business is because we’ve got a weird thing with money that – once that gets straightened out – makes for smooth sailing and impressive results.

Get details at or email me with any questions. Would love to see you there if you feel called to it! 🙂

Listen at the podcast.

The post Vibrational Kinks in the Matrix? first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.