Transform Problems into Preferences

“Every moment contains every thing; it’s just a matter of what you choose to pull out of it.”

When I heard that from Abraham, it expanded my understanding even further that we don’t have to change anything in our current circumstances other than our attitude about it.

That in itself is the transformation.

At least, it’s the first transformation, because law of attraction then responds to our improved perspective with improved circumstances (whatever our personal preferences of those may be).

So, to upgrade my vibration, I don’t need to change anything other than the way I’m seeing it.

Regular readers know I’ve struggled for a while in seeing neighborhood development in a positive light. More traffic, more people, more noise, more light pollution, less wildlife, less less mountain views, less privacy. What could be good about this?

That’s what I thought until I visited a neighbor’s place and saw how much worse they had it than I did. Complete view obstruction along with – you know what, I’m not even going to describe what is happening there because it doesn’t deserve activation.

When I saw it, I instantly realized how ridiculous I’d been to fixate on my “problem.” My problem was a miracle in someone else’s eyes. My nightmare was their dream come true solution!

You’ve heard the quote about how if we all put our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back? Yeah, I came home with a different idea about what was happening in my neighborhood. Our situation was a blessing. It was a dodged bullet. I was lucky!

And that’s what matters: my idea about it. It’s only a problem if I say it is. If I see it as a blessing, if I declare it a privilege, it has no choice but to be whatever I say, because I’m making it all up.

And that’s not to say we’re supposed to be able to stand in the middle of contrast and say we like it when we really don’t. It doesn’t serve us to hide our feelings or be inauthentic. Contrast is a legit and necessary part of our expansion.

But whatever wiggle room we have in seeing the issue in a less resistant light, however long that might take us to find, that helps us align for more positive manifestations than when we stay stuck in a strong “don’t want this” attitude.

So how can we get better at turning problems into preferences? It’s a simple matter of choosing to.

Entertaining questions like these help me get there:

What’s a different way to see this?
How might this problem be (at least part) privilege?
What’s right about this?
What are the perks of the situation?
How might someone else see this?

Just inviting the idea that something good lies here, not forcing it myself to see it, helps me find it more easily.

And, if seeing our “problem” in a more favorable light feels impossible, the vibrationally savvy alternative is to stop looking at it so much and instead turn our attention to whatever is easier to appreciate. Shift focus to a new topic if we can’t find a way to lighten up about the current one.

Because as Bashar says, “Circumstances don’t matter. Only state of being matters.” Our state of being is what drives our manifestations, so getting this part right is the heart of conscious creation.

I’d love to hear from those of you who are already practicing this!

The post Transform Problems into Preferences first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.