The Importance of Integration – A Spiritual Perspective

The Importance of Integration – A Spiritual Perspective

Weaving the Tapestry: The Importance of Integration from a Spiritual Perspective*

In the vast tapestry of our spiritual journey, integration stands as a vibrant thread, binding together the disparate elements of our experience into a coherent whole. From Rumi’s whirlpools of Divine Love to Eckhart Tolle’s surrender to the present moment, and Michael A. Singer’s dance with the unfolding mystery of existence, the emphasis on integration resonates across traditions and time.

For Rumi, the Sufi mystic, integration was a passionate dance with the Divine. His famous poem, “Spin, Spin,” urges us to whirl like dervishes, shedding our attachments and limitations, until we dissolve into the boundless ocean of love:

“Spin, spin
Like a dervish
Throw your arms wide
Lose your head
Be drunk with love.”

Rumi’s message is one of radical surrender, a letting go of the egoic self and its compartmentalized experiences. In the whirling, we break down the barriers between the sacred and the secular, the inner and the outer, weaving a new reality where everything becomes an expression of Divine Unity.

For Eckhart, the path to integration lies in dissolving the illusion of the separate self and fully inhabiting the present moment. He invites us to step out of the mind’s incessant chatter and awaken to the ever-present stillness of Being.

“The past has no power over the present moment. You have the power to choose what you focus on. Choose wisely.”

He reminds us that our fragmented experiences are often rooted  in resistance to the present moment. By embracing the “Now” with open awareness, we integrate our “past” and  projections of the future into a unified field of consciousness, where all experiences are accepted as part of the unfolding of life.

In his book, “The Untethered Soul,” Michael  presents a playful yet profound approach to integration. He encourages us to witness the “drama of the ego” without getting caught up in its narratives. By observing our thoughts and emotions with curiosity and detachment, we can step into the role of “the watcher,” allowing the inner dance to unfold without resistance.

“The problem is not that we have thoughts, but that we become prisoners of our thoughts. We believe everything they tell us.” – Michael A. Singer

Michael’s perspective highlights the importance of non-judgmental awareness in the process of integration. By letting go of our attachment to specific outcomes and simply observing our inner landscape, we allow the pieces of our experience to naturally fall into place, forming a coherent and ever-evolving whole.

The Threads Intertwine

Rumi, Eckhart & Michael’s teachings converge towards a common truth: wholeness arises not through control or force, but through a surrender to the unfolding process of our being. When we let go of the need to fix, categorize, or understand, and instead, embrace the present moment with open awareness, the tapestry of our experience begins to weave itself into a beautiful and meaningful whole.

Integration in Practice

So, how can we integrate this wisdom into our daily lives? Here are a few practices inspired by our spiritual guides:

Mindfulness Meditation: By practicing mindfulness meditation regularly, we cultivate the ability to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, creating space for integration to occur naturally.
Embracing Non-Duality: Rumi’s teachings remind us to break down the artificial barriers between the sacred and the mundane. Look for the divine in the everyday, and allow your spiritual practice to infuse your entire being.
Living in the Now: As Eckhart suggests, make a conscious effort to be present in each moment. Notice the sights, sounds, and sensations around you, and let go of the need to control the future or dwell on the past.
The Witnessing Practice: Inspired by Michael, cultivate the role of the “observer” within yourself. Watch your thoughts and emotions come and go without getting caught up in their drama. This allows you to see your experiences from a wider perspective, facilitating integration.


Integration is not a destination, but a continuous journey. As we practice and surrender to the unfolding mystery of life, the threads of our experience will continue to weave into a beautiful and ever-evolving tapestry of wholeness.

Patsy/Purnima Griffiths

*Thanks to Bard (2023) and Jane Ewins for writing this blog.

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