Source Is Knocking

One of the core teachings in conscious creation is that our inner guidance reliably points us in the direction of what we want, so all we ever have to do is follow that wisdom from within to the path to our manifested desires.

It’s a pretty simple teaching.

And yet one that even savvy creators sometimes find challenging to follow.

Why is it so hard to do what feels better? Why do we override input from our higher self?

And more importantly, what will it take for us to trust that inner wisdom more consistently and easily?

That’s the question I’m putting to you today …

What will it take for you to trust your guidance more fully and regularly?

If you already believe Source energy leads us to our desires, faithfully revealing the path of least resistance to dreams come true …

Or is that the first challenge: trusting that teaching? Do you need proof it works? Do your gremlins do a number on you if you’re not suffering or struggling your way to what you want?

Sometimes the issue is that we just don’t truly believe that following what feels best is the path to success.

In that case, some experimenting is in order! Or reviewing past experience for proof.

But if you already know and trust this teaching, is the challenge that you aren’t clearly hearing the guidance?

Maybe it doesn’t register with you in an obvious way you recognize, so it’s easy to dismiss? Not everyone has learned to tune into the language of inner guidance, even though we all have it. Recognizing relief and joy as guidance is a different way of operating than most were trained.

Or is that you find the world simply doesn’t allow you to honor that inner wisdom?

Sometimes bosses, spouses, parents, etc. don’t approve of our doing whatever we feel most drawn to. It can be frustrating to feel like our society is keeping us from following inspiration.

Or is it something else that keeps you from trusting your inner wisdom?

Whatever’s keeping you from being more consistent at doing what you feel guided to (i.e. what feels better), you’re going to want to get on that.

Because inner guidance is an essential element to manifesting desires. Source is knocking at your door and is your most powerful ally in creating dreams come true.

Even if you just gradually engage inner guidance in small steps here and there throughout the day as you’re able to, getting better at partnering with Source is good for your LOA game.

So if you aren’t already actively mastering this element of conscious creation, now is a good time to start.

The post Source Is Knocking first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.