Sign Power: It’s Not Them (It’s You)

Are there particular signs in life that have special meaning to you?

I’m talking about things like when you see 11:11 on the clock, or find a lucky penny on the ground, or spot a ladybug on your sleeve …

There are certain things we sometimes attribute auspicious meaning to – either recognizing it as good luck or spiritual connection or impending good news.

I had one the other day …

When my foster kitten knocked over the glass jar of plant starts on the bathroom sink, I remembered exactly what that means! Whenever a foster misbehaves in an out of the ordinary unpleasant way, that’s my sign they’re about to get adopted.

I don’t know why that’s the case, but it is. It’s been a reliable sign for years. So when it happened the other day, I knew instantly it meant Cash the kitty was soon to find his forever home.

That’s when it occurred to me that I’ve been interpreting this all wrong

Because it isn’t that this sign indicates what’s about to happen … although that is often how we think about signs, isn’t it?

We think they are things that indicate the probable occurrence of something. As if it were an impending clue about what’s going to happen … like when a love interest stops texting us back so much, we think that’s a sign they are disengaging from the relationship, or when we see a hawk in flight that means our spirit guides are with us – or whatever we make it mean.

We see this and we think it represents what’s about to happen.

But that’s not quite right because there’s no power in the sign. Other than what we attribute to it. The power always only comes from us.

The sign doesn’t mean anything in and of itself. It can’t. It’s not the creative agent in your world. YOU are the creative agent.

Not the sign.

The lucky penny doesn’t tell us what’s happening next – it’s our response to it that dictates what unfolds next.

Meaning, it’s my expectation that a misbehaving foster means they’re about to get a new home. Somehow I made that connection and it lives so strongly in me that now when it happens, it immediately cues me into the vibration of “oh, someone’s getting adopted soon!”

But it’s me – not the sign – that indicates what’s happening next. Universe is following my signs (through my vibration).

Here’s why this matters:

I realize in hindsight that I was letting the sign trigger me into alignment with adoptions.

When the truth is I could take myself to that alignment any time I wanted. No signs needed. No waiting necessary.

There isn’t some powerful force above saying, “Jeannette, this is about to happen to you, so get ready.” It’s always saying, “Jeannette, what should happen next?” It’s following my lead.

So the question is: are we leading? And if so, what are we leading with?

Remember the conscious creator who interpreted everything as a sign that her dream was coming true? Her boyfriend broke up with her – it’s a sign. She got fired – it’s a sign. She had a good hair day – it’s a sign.

She made signs work for her. She enrolled them in a regular and consistent instruction to Universe that what she wanted was happening now.

My point is: the signs aren’t potent; we are.

Let’s remember it’s not so much as us reading signs from universe as it is Universe reading us for the signs. It’s waiting for our cue.

So … what should happen next? It’s up to you to give Universe the sign.

Listen at the podcast.

The post Sign Power: It’s Not Them (It’s You) first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.