Making Believe to Make It Manifest

After the season finale aired for Survivor 46, one of the castaways revealed what I’d already strongly suspected …

Liz Wilcox is no millionaire.

She presented herself that way to fellow castaways as her strategy to be seen as less of a threat. I don’t know whether anyone else bought her act, but it was clear to me she was not being truthful.

Which made me wonder: what gave it away that she was no millionaire? How could I tell?

The reason I wondered about this is because “acting as if” is a manifesting method conscious creators often engage: we adopt the traits and characteristics of our desired result in order for it to manifest. We “be” it before it’s real in order to make it so.

So, what was Liz not doing that we could learn from in order to enhance our own financial abundance (or whatever we want to create)?

Saying the words, “I am a millionaire” wasn’t enough. She said it repeatedly but it never felt true.

I know it’s not something we broadcast through our spending habits, because technically I have a seven figure net worth, and yet I spend money more freely than some of my richest friends. So we wouldn’t necessarily know from watching someone interact with money what their financial status is.

So if not through our words, if not through our actions, how do we signal Universe for what our money situation should be?

Is it through our private thoughts, our deepest knowings? Is it part of our self-identity? Do we have to believe it ourselves in order to sell it?

This reminds me of Ewan McGregor playing A Gentleman in Moscow, where he’s a nobleman after the Russian revolution who’s been stripped of all his life luxuries. And yet, even without his expensive estate and furniture and title, he remains a nobleman. It’s who he is. He doesn’t need props and he doesn’t walk around telling everyone what a nobleman he is. It’s in him.

That’s a level of owning it that Universe has to respond to.

That’s what Liz didn’t have as she was declaring herself a millionaire. It wasn’t in her, and her words weren’t convincing.

As conscious creators, how can we convince Universe that we are what we want? Whether it’s celebrated artist, best selling author, renowned athlete, happily married, world traveler, healthy and fit, independently wealthy or whatever we desire … how can we sell it (to ourselves and Universe) that this is how it is for us?

Of course, we don’t have to own it at that level before things start moving, but if you can find any gaps to close in who you’re presenting yourself to be, that’s good material for manifesting dreams come true.

So, what do you want, and in what ways are you being the person who has that now?

This is something I’ve been playing with myself lately, as I notice who I’m being …

Am I getting out of bed as the person who’s got so much to do she can’t enjoy it? Or as the person who has a leisurely day ahead of whatever she feels like doing?
Am I getting dressed as the person who is confident about her finances and her health? Or am I being the person who is worried about the latest issue that she needs to jump on?
Am I reaching for my phone as the person who is anxiously looking for something to soothe her? Or am I being the person who is living her dreams come true and looking forward to what’s next?

Whoever I’m being sets the tone for what should unfold next.

Are you being someone who is lonely and yearning for a romantic connection, or are you being someone who is fulfilled and happy in love?

That’s what I did when I decided to call in One of the Ones: I shopped like I was buying for him, I went to the movies as if he were standing in line for popcorn, I sat home on Friday night or went out with girlfriends as if he were out of town for work this weekend, and that guy showed up within three weeks of me engaging life like I had a long term boyfriend. We spent ten years together! Most of them good. 🙂

Are you being someone who is embarrassed or frustrated with their body, or someone who is loving their physical self?

I was being the former for a while earlier this year until I realized that vibe was going to take me to places I didn’t like even more, so I started being someone who felt good about her body, and voila! Amazingly good things started happening for my body!

This all boils down to: what are you signaling Universe for?

If you’d like to light a fire under your favorite manifestation, this is one thing to consider: making believe. Making yourself believe, making Universe believe, and owning it like it’s already a done deal.

That’s what Stephanie Germanotta did before she was Lady Gaga. She walked down the sidewalk as if she were already famous. As if she were somebody. That’s what Ali Vincent did when she competed on Biggest Loser – she declared herself the biggest loser, and even when she got voted off, she still owned it. She went on to win – even after getting voted off!

This is your invitation to consider who you’re being, and remember that that’s all Universe can give you back. When you want something different, you’ve got to find a way to tell it something different.

And as Liz showed us, that’s not achieved solely through our words. So get some oomph behind it and follow the Moscow Gentleman’s example about owning it at a level that Universe can’t help but believe.

Listen at the podcast.

The post Making Believe to Make It Manifest first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.