Like a Freight Train

Reminders fresh from the field:

The more we don’t want it, the more we can count on it, because whatever we focus on with strong emotion is coming for us like a freight train, wanted or unwanted. Law of attraction doesn’t care.

Intense focus is irresistible to the forces that respond to our powerful observation.

Law of attraction jumps on it and says, “Here you go! Just what you ordered!” Whether that focus is on clients, love interests, mean neighbors, happy puppies, money, lack of money, good health – or covid.

Ay yi yi.

Since the start of the pandemic I managed my focus like a pro. Four and a half years in, it seemed like I was in the clear! I know how to navigate this one! I have good vibes and inspired practices, so … it’s all good here.

Then I accepted a generous invitation to travel to New York in December with one of my favorite aunts.

Which got me to thinking about covid, and how much I really didn’t want to get it from visiting one of the busiest cities in the world.

That’s when I learned it’s easier to have good vibes during a deadly pandemic when you’re a homebody with very little risk exposure. Headed to one of the most popular tourist cities on the planet calls for new skills.

No worries, though, because I’m aware of this kinky vibe and I’ve got time to straighten it out. Definitely gonna do that before December gets here. Plenty of time. I’ll get it sorted.

But there it stayed on my mind in the meantime.

And then one day my parents were coming to visit, and since Chad had a sore throat the night before I made him test just to make sure for my parent’s sake.

And he tested positive! D’oh!!

That’s okay. We caught it before my folks were exposed. And obviously I’m for sure not getting it.

I made him quarantine while I disinfected the house and took over chores. It would be inaccurate for me to say that my thoughts were relaxed and confident. They were not.

My thought stream was more like: I had better not get this thing! I will be so mad if I get this thing. How did he bring this home to us after all this time?! I do not want this thing!! I’ve seen what it does. This cannot happen here. He better be okay. And he better not have given it to me!

Side note: If anyone ever wants to know what does it mean when you say, “Activate the vibration, Jeannette” – this is a perfect example. It was powerful activation that Universe has to respond do. Doesn’t matter that it was all “don’t want, not this” because all it hears is “covid for Jeannette.” I should have known what would happen next, the only thing that could happen next …

By that night I was wondering, “Does my throat feel weird? Has it always felt like this?” And was that a normal cough or a you’ve-got-covid cough? Wait a minute. Am I imagining things, or am I getting sick?!

Oh, I was not imagining it. Well, I was imagining it … I imagined myself right into covid. By knowing I for sure did not want to get it while traveling to New York at the end of the year, and then I for sure did not want to get it from Chad. Universe said, “Oh, she’s all about the covid! No need to wait for New York, girl, here you go! Just like you strongly never wanted.”

So this is my friendly public service reminder from my healing bed to fellow creators that finding a way to take the edge off whatever you strongly don’t want is a smart manifesting move.

Speaking of smart manifesting moves, once I was in bed with fever and chills and headache and every other symptom I never wanted (ok, don’t exaggerate, Jeannette, Universe is listening) – I realized resisting it any further was ridiculous. It’s here now, and it’ll go better if I stop fighting it.

So I said yes to it. I really truly let it be okay that I had covid. I even wondered in the GVU forum what it would be like to have covid in the vortex. And instead of being miserable, I started laughing at how ridiculously miserable I was. I laughed out loud! Instead of being mad I was stuck in bed, I relished the bed I was in. So comfy! And such great cat company! Until they left, and then I had the bed to myself! Even better! How does this get even better?!

And it did! Within a handful of hours I took a dramatic turn for the better. So there’s that.

But learn from my experience, fellow creators, and whatever you’ve been thinking about lately that you really don’t want, do something about that sooner than later. Because Universe is super reliable about delivering on whatever we’ve got in mind, wanted or not.

The post Like a Freight Train first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.