I Have the Most Exciting News for You!

“I am going to tell you the most exciting news.”

That’s the text I got from my best friend the other day.

Wow, what could that be, I wondered?! He doesn’t send a text like that every day!

He got his dream job? He won in the last lottery draw? His dog had a complete recovery? He heard from one of our former fosters? He had an alien encounter? A spiritual epiphany?!

I enjoyed thinking about what his most exciting news might be as I prepared to call him back.

And in those five minutes of pondering what fabulous thing might have happened in his world, I activated some fabulous things for my own world.

Because that’s what happens when we point our attention in a new direction – it changes what happens next.

It turns out his mom had just manifested a major health breakthrough, and he knew I’d be delighted to celebrate it with them.

I was delighted, and we reveled in her fabulous improvement (which came from consciously upgrading her expectations). He knows I love stories of people engaging their creative powers. 🙂

After we hung up the phone, I had enjoyed the process of imagining such a wide variety of fabulous news that I went back to thinking about it

“I have the most exciting news for you!”

Isn’t it fun to imagine receiving that text? Maybe from your boss, or your bank rep. Maybe your real estate agent or doctor’s office. Or from your agent or publisher, or attorney or lotto ticket buddy. Or maybe a stranger?!

Can you imagine?

Are you imagining?

Because if you are … you just cued Universe for some amazing news. Maybe it’ll come today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. But it’s an easy way to open big doors for Universe to play.

And just as with my reveling in the idea of being “all caught up,” not because I was all caught up – not because I was even trying to be – just because it felt good to entertain the idea of it – enjoying the idea of getting the most exciting news is the kind of vibe aligner that has to usher in something amazing.

The key here is doing it for fun, not for results. So if it’s fun for you to imagine getting a text like that, please do.

And don’t be surprised when something exciting finds you. 🙂

The post I Have the Most Exciting News for You! first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.