A Clean Slate for a New Year

I still have a stack of books I didn’t finish this year.

I still have an overflowing email inbox I didn’t clear out.

I’ve still got carpets that didn’t get cleaned.

But there’s one thing that’s not coming into the new year with me …

My top frustrations from 2023 are staying exactly there. In 2023.

I’m not clouding my new year with worries about neighborhood development. I’ve got a plan for curbing my unhelpful vibration about climate change. And I’m going to stop blaming my rescue group for not cooperating in foster kitty adoptions.

All that stuff stays in 2023.

Because the new year deserves its own problems to pick from. lol Actually, the new year deserves me to be a better match to the delightful dreams I dream, and I know that works best when I don’t haul old resentments and unhelpful stories with me into the new year.

So I’m officially cutting them loose and making room for new magic in the new year.

Will you join me?

Listen at the podcast.

The post A Clean Slate for a New Year first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.