Catching Up With a Miracle

Focus on what you want, but don’t be attached to the outcome, they say.

Engage the alignment exercise for the enjoyment, not to make anything happen, we’re told.

Feeling better is all you have to do, they repeatedly remind us.

Sounds easy, right? Practicing it … not so much.

Because when we really want something, it’s hard not to be attached to results. It’s natural to try to make it happen. It’s tricky to relax when nothing’s changed.

And yet, they’re right. Every manifesting teacher who ever told us to focus then let go, do the alignment for fun not for results, appreciate where we’re at, yada yada – turns out it works.

This is yet another story of how I know this to be true …

I’ve been busy since adulthood, it seems. Keeping up grades to maintain a scholarship while graduating summa cum laude in three years; entering corporate world where the workload never ended; and it definitely didn’t change when I started my own business.

Like many others, “busy” has just been a way of life.

But I’m also a savvy creator, so I know better than to put emphasis on how busy I am. Instead I consciously make peace that there will always be more to do than I can get to. It’s okay, I tell myself. It’s good to have lots of things to play with, even if I never get to them. I won’t let it spoil the fun.

Because like owning a home, or volunteering in animal rescue, I soon realized that running a business means there will always be more to do than I have time for. It’s fine, though, just enjoy whatever I’m working on. Let that be enough.

I never expected this to change. I just do my best to be at peace with it.

Then one Friday night I read a new newsletter I’d accidentally subscribed to, and at the end of all its summary articles it concluded, “You are all caught up.”

Wait. What were those magic words?! This is a spell I have never heard …

You are all caught up.

Those words felt foreign, mysterious and magical. You are all caught up.

How can that be? When has that ever been true? I can’t even remember a time. I don’t think those words have ever been strung together in my head. I definitely didn’t know this vibe. “You are all caught up.”

It was captivating. It was delicious.

It was just a thought, obviously, not my reality. But I couldn’t stop enjoying the thought of being all caught up.

What would that be like?! What would that feel like?! All caught up?! How is that even a thing?!

You are all caught up.

I kept tasting it, turning it over, and reveling in the idea of it. Like the time I got a cool cowboy hat and kept looking at it in the mirror. Or when my boyfriend painted my toenails and I kept delighting at my super cute feet.

It was just delightful to entertain the idea of being all caught up!

But of course real life says otherwise, because hello, there is a long long list of things that need attention. And I’m good at attending them without complaint about how it never gets done, because it ruins it to think like that. Besides, everything I do is by choice, anyway, so complaining about it would be ridiculous.

So there I am, handling my business, getting the animals fed and cleaned up after, the new trees and bushes watered (mostly), the emails answered (some), the house maintained (to my standards, at least), and doing it all again the next day.

But sometimes when I felt stressed about how much there was to do, I would come back to those delicious five words: You are all caught up. It made me giggle to try it on. What an amazing concept! All caught up! Who woulda thought?! Wow. So cool!

And then back to the laundry, the litter boxes, the yard work, the clients, the dog walks, the admin, all the stuff that life calls for.

I know it couldn’t happen, obviously, but it was still a delicious thought.

And then Monday night I was in the office wrapping up an important work project, and as I finished, I turned to erase it from the white board list of important things to do, and much to my surprise realized it was the last thing on the list. It made no sense. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. But there it was: an empty to do list.

I … (drumroll) … was all caught up.

Okay, maybe not on everything that needed to be done in life, but all the important things were handled! I was all caught up on the stuff that mattered most! Me! All caught up! I was living the thing that I didn’t think was even possible! How had this happened?! I mean, especially this weekend, when the internet was out for half a day, a surprise horse guest needed help, an impromptu brunch date unfolded since my guy was off for the holiday.

How in the world did I get all caught up?! I didn’t connect the dots at first …

But clearly Universe was taking my new instruction and running with it! I don’t know what miracles it weaved together to make this happen, but there it was: I was all caught up, like magic!

Oh, except it wasn’t magic. It was manifesting.

I had accidentally created something I didn’t even believe was possible. I was caught up (in a way I haven’t been in a long, long time) because I’d been reveling in thoughts of it! Not even on purpose! Just for the joy of it!

And yes, gremlins were quick to point out all the things that had never made it to the list that also mattered, but I didn’t let them spoil the moment. Because I had just experienced a miracle – without even trying!

No doubt it unfolded because I had done exactly what our manifesting teachers tell us to do …

Focus on the desire without attachment.
Engage the alignment process for the joy, not to make anything happen.
Keep reaching for what feels better, in thought and action.

Ta da – it works! Even for something I didn’t believe in. Even when I wasn’t trying to work it! Maybe especially because I wasn’t trying to work it.

I think this particular miracle occurred because:

1) I wasn’t trying to make it happen (Bashar says trying is the formula for defeat),

2) I reveled in the thought of it just for the joy of it, not to create that outcome, and

3) I didn’t get in Universe’s way of delivering it. I didn’t even know to be in the way! I didn’t know it was happening! I didn’t know it could happen! Which just goes to show belief is not a requirement. (Helpful, surely, but not required.)

“You are all caught up” were magic words that took me to a place of new alignment, but your alignment sync will be different …

Maybe it’s words, maybe it’s a vision, maybe it’s a process or a feeling.

I don’t know what miracles await you, but if you can find your way to how it feels to have it, just for fun, just because you can – Universe has to match whatever you vibration you activate. No matter how ridiculous or impossible or unlikely or unheard of.

And yes, I’ve got a new to-do list today, but I also have a new possibility and a new mantra to help me stick this landing. I know how it feels now, because I practiced it for fun and then Universe made it so and I like it enough to keep taking myself there.

Isn’t that exactly how we always knew it could be?

However you put your powers into play, here’s to letting life be everything we dreamed and more. 🙂

Listen at the podcast.

The post Catching Up With a Miracle first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.