3 Steps to Manifest Money Now

When your money situation is not what you want it to be …

Whether you’re just feeling a financial pinch or whether it’s dire straits and you need a solution fast – this is how to let money in the LOA way.

First things first, we stop rehearsing the money problem. Being so aware of the lack of money prevents more from coming in. So first we stop reiterating to how bad things are. Because all Universe can do with that instruction is more of the same. So we stop that routine now.

Once we’ve done that, the second step is to find a way to feel better before the money gets here. Feel now however you’ll feel when the money’s flowing the way you want. That might be relief, satisfaction, ease, etc.

You could do that by imagining success, remembering a money win from the past, eavesdropping on someone else’s good time, scripting like it already happened, or any other alignment method that appeals to you.

Or you could just take any action that comes to mind that will help you feel your aligned vibration.

Having said that, any way you can feel any better will work! Positive distractions, meditation, noticing what’s going right, listing reasons to believe … anything that raises your vibration from worry or fear.

Third is to let the solution appear. That means stop trying to figure it out or make it happen yourself. It’s natural when we’re feeling the financial pressure to try to force an answer into place, to scramble for a solution, or try to make it happen through sheer effort or desperate action.

But that blocks our solutions, because acting desperately only reinforces the vibrational instruction that stops money from coming in.

Relax and let inspiration guide you. Lots of times we don’t even have to do anything; it just shows up through one of the avenues that wasn’t working before. It works now because of you new viberational state.

Here’s a recent example of that:

A participant from my Tuning to Money course practiced the vibration management techniques we talked about, and didn’t do anything different as far as action. She still went to work, managed the bills as best she could, and did her best not to freak out about money.

And without changing any of the “actions” in her life, she started making more money. Sales went up, traffic increased. and she had her best month all year. On top of that, the IRS proactively reached out to tell her that they were eliminating over $10k of her tax debt.

Sure, when we are inspired to do something, we honor that inspiration. But lots of times, Universe already has a plan for how to get the money to us as soon as we stop telling our lack story and find a way to feel better first.

To summarize:

1, Stop rehearsing the problem
2, Find a way to feel better before the money gets here, and
3, Stop trying to make it happen yourself and just let the solution appear. Answer whatever inspirations arrive, but don’t try to figure it out your own self. You’re not as good at this as universe is, and that’s who we want driving.

Listen at the podcast.

The post 3 Steps to Manifest Money Now first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.