Good Thoughts for Bad Days

When you’re not feeling fabulous, these are good things to remember when good vibes are gone awol.

Whether it’s big world problems like hurricanes and wars, or personal challenges like illness or financial stress – whatever might be putting a damper on your energy lately, here are good things to remember on bad days …

1. It won’t last.
This is temporary. Even if it seems you’ve been stuck in this for a while, it’s not forever. It’s hard to see the big picture when we’re down in the dumps, but there is a bigger picture, this is just a tiny part of it, it will change.

2. Don’t believe your bad thoughts.
Gremlins take full advantage when we’re feeling low – this is their time to thrive – so it’s important to remember not to believe what they’re selling. Even if it seems true, even if it’s logical, don’t believe your thoughts when you’re feeling bad. In fact, Abraham teaches if a thought doesn’t feel good to you, that means it’s not how your true self sees it. So don’t take those negative thoughts too seriously when you’re down.

3. It’s okay to feel bad.
Don’t beat yourself up, don’t resist it. Conscious creators sometimes berate themselves for not doing a better job of feeling good, but it’s okay to feel whatever you feel. In fact, it’s essential that you do, because resisting it just makes it more. So it’s fine that you’re not your usual chipper self right now. Everyone goes through times like this. Let yourself feel however you feel. That’ll actually make it easier to process it and move on to what’s next.

4. This is valuable contrast.
It might seem like you’re stuck in bad limbo and it’s easy to believe you’re shortchanging your dreams or not making progress on your desires, but this is part of the dream come true, believe it or not. Contrast is a powerful agent of expansion – without it, things don’t get better. So even this serves you. Even this is making things better. It’s easy to forget when we’re in it, so that’s why I’m reminding it now.

5. You’re going to be okay.
When things get really dark we might wonder about that. We might begin to doubt that it will ever be different than this; that we will ever feel good again. It will be different than this; you will feel good again. You are going to be okay. It will be okay again.

6. An amazing solution is in the works.
You might not be able to see it or even believe it exists – but that’s an illusion of your perspective. The answers exist. The way is being made. It’s happening now. The answer is coming. You don’t ever have to doubt that. Universe knows how, it knows when, it’s got this part handled. You don’t have to see it or even believe it for it to be true.

7. You’re not alone.
This is another illusion of feeling bad – it’s easy to believe in the disconnection and abandonment. But you’re not alone. Your divine team is always with you (your guides, angels, higher self, etc.). Your source connection is still in place – you’re never cut off from that, even if it feels like it. And you’ve probably got more earthly friends than you realize, too. There are spiritual practitioners praying for you right now. There are strangers who are wishing you well. There are friends and family and acquaintances you might have forgotten about who are imagining good things for you. There are loved ones who’ve transitioned who are cheering you on from the other side. You are never, never alone, even when it seems like it. In fact, you can ask your divine team for help with anything you want support with – even just feeling better.

Just reading this list may trigger an inner knowing within of something else worth remembering. There are other truths you might remember, so listen for that wisdom.

My point is: it’s okay. You’re okay. You’ve got this.

In the meantime, be easy with yourself. And know that I’m rooting for you, too.

Listen at the podcast.

The post Good Thoughts for Bad Days first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.