Take a Break for Best Manifesting Success

How good are you at taking breaks?
Would you get better at it if you knew your manifesting success depended on it?
Many of us aren’t that skilled at unplugging regularly for best vibrational effect. But this is just as important, if not more so, as being able to focus, appreciate, imagine, and all the other creation skills we hold so dear.
Our culture tends to promote hard work as a way of proving we’re worthy of the reward. It’s easy to get caught up in that routine, since we’re often managed for productivity (or even manage ourselves for it) – constantly looking for ways to be more efficient and get more done.
That’s why it’s counter-cultural – or even radically revolutionary to put it all on pause to do a lot of nothing.
Yes, that includes lunch breaks during the day, and actually using vacation time each year. Those are definitely helpful forms of vibration management, too.
But even more than that I’m talking about giving yourself more down time in regular daily life in order to make room for universal magic and inspiration. There’s something magic about doing nothing that invites our favorite dreams to come true!
You’ve noticed this, too, right? How often the good things happen when we’re not trying, when we’re not looking, not working for it or even thinking about it.
That’s often when the inspiration hits that makes all the difference or when the good news appears “out of the blue” – once we’ve made room for it by unplugging from everything else.
What keeps us from engaging this magic of “nothing” – of having a proper break – more often?
Could be many things, including:

Pressures of life/reality
Cultural conditioning
Limited beliefs about the work that’s required in order to get there
Worthiness proving (proving we deserve or have earned it)
Productivity pride
Or just plain old habit.

But conscious creators know the value of a high quality vibration for best manifesting effect.
That’s why it’s worth getting better at taking a break.
Short ones daily or throughout the day, for sure, but also more extended ones. Your inner guidance knows what serves you best, and that’s why so often you wish you could just do nothing for a while.
The good news is you can. Indeed, you must. To deny yourself what inspiration is calling you toward is to hold at bay the very success you’re working so hard to achieve.
How long does a proper break need to be? Only you can say. It could be 5 minutes, it could be 5 weeks. It could be longer!
Experience tells me that the longer we put it off, the longer we’ll need to recover our good vibrations.
What does a good break look like? Whatever calls you. It could be nothing, or maybe it’s something fun to do. It could be solo, or maybe it’s with others.
But more than anything, a break is for you. It’s not just “stop working” so you can take care of someone or something else. It’s completely unplugged. Not on standby. Not checking to make sure there aren’t any fires to put out. It’s truly giving yourself the gift of nothing to do.
How do you know when you’ve had a proper break? When you’re excited or delighted to get back to daily life. When you’ve got the energy and enthusiasm for resuming your regular program. (Unless during your break you were inspired to change the program!)
A tip to remember: taking a break is similar to hydrating the body. If you wait till you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. If you take a break when you “need one” (i.e. showing signs of burnout), you’ve waited too long.
Good vibration management practice is to stay ahead of it and build them in before you “need” one. You need them sooner than you think.
And know that when your guidance calls for you to do nothing for a while, that’s not lack of inspiration. It’s an important form of it!
If you’re reading this thinking, “Yeah, that’d be great, but I can’t” – you’re right.
Whatever you think, whatever you believe, you’re right.
Because you’re creating your reality with every thought you think. So I’m just suggesting you use that power wisely. You can feed limitations or you can nurture possibilities. It’s all up to you.
Here’s to the wisdom of goofing off, giving ourselves down time, and enjoying the refreshing possibilities of taking a proper break, however we can.

The post Take a Break for Best Manifesting Success first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.