This Tweak Resolves a Common Manifesting Misstep

Key question for you today: Are you using your affirmation or visualization to make it happen or are you using it to feel what it feels like?

Because there is an important difference.

If you’re engaging a manifesting method in order to make something happen (like to make money to appear, find a dream job, improve health, discover true love, etc.), you might be sabotaging your success from the get go.

This is a common manifesting misstep many aspiring creators make without realizing it.

The resulting frustration causes many to give up conscious creation altogether.

And it can happen regardless of your alignment method: affirmations, scripting, acting as if, written exercises, visualizing, etc. are all vulnerable to this alignment error.

It also explains why different creators get such different results from the same method!

I’m talking about doing your manifesting exercise to make something happen versus to feel it happening.

Not everyone can suss out that distinction right away, so stick with me …

One approach signals absence; the other signals presence. One says failure; the other says fulfillment. It’s a subtle shift, but makes all the vibrational difference.

When you’re repeating a money mantra in order to make money appear, your vibrational stance is that the money isn’t here and you’re doing this to call it in. You’re engaging this exercise to make something happen. Which says it hasn’t happened yet.

That’s a different instruction than repeating a money mantra to feel the money here now.

One is: I’m doing this to change reality; the other is I’m feeling a different reality now.

One approach says “money not here” (even though you’re saying the words of “it’s here,” you’re doing it in order to make it appear, which says it’s “not here”). Whatever you call the force that responds to your vibration (Universe, matrix, the field, law of attraction, Source, God, etc.) – it hears you saying “not here” when you’re doing something to try to make it appear.

The other approach (of pre-enjoying your desired reality) says “money here,” and the forces that be respond accordingly by creating money in your reality.

This is because law of attraction doesn’t respond to what we say (or write, or recite) – it responds to our vibration. So if we pick up a manifesting method in order to change things out there (while still vibing or being aware that it’s not here) – if it doesn’t change how we feel in here, we’re wasting our time because it hasn’t shifted our vibrational signal.

So if you’re visualizing your dream come true in order to make it come true, rather than to enjoying the dream come true, it might be time to switch things up.

How to know if you’re making this common manifesting mistake?

One unmistakable way to tell is whether you’re getting any results.

Another way is to notice how you feel …

As you engage your manifesting exercise, are you enjoying it or are you trying to make it happen? Does it feel satisfying or is there a sense of striving? Are you hoping something will happen, or are you feeling it done now?

If you’re going through your manifesting routine to make it happen versus enjoying the pleasure of feeling it now, you might rethink your approach.

Just ask yourself: am I doing this to make it happen so then I can enjoy it? Or am I enjoying it right now in this exercise?

Can you feel the difference? I guarantee Universe can!

When you pick up your manifesting exercise not to make it happen but rather to feel it happening now, you’re cooking with gas!

Anything else just reiterates the absence of what you want.

So remember to do your alignment routine for the fun of it; not to make something happen. Yes, something will happen, but it does that best when we’re feeling the presence of it rather than the absence of it.

Hope that makes sense, because once you get this – your reality will reflect the difference!

Listen at the podcast.

The post This Tweak Resolves a Common Manifesting Misstep first appeared on Good Vibe Blog.