The Importance of Presence – A Spiritual Perspective

The Importance of Presence – A Spiritual Perspective

The Divine Dance Unfolds in Presence*

In a world of constant distractions and digital clutter, choosing to be present can feel like a radical  (and perhaps impossible) act!

Please don’t be discouraged. Thich Nhat Hanh, Eckhart Tolle, and Michael A. Singer offer insights into why stepping into the present moment is not just a feel-good practice, but the very essence of spiritual awakening and essential in life’s unfoldment.

Thich Nhat Hanh invites us to embrace the “miracle of mindfulness.” Through practices like mindful breathing and walking meditation, he reminds us that “the past is gone, the future is not yet here, and there is only this moment, a gift.” In this present moment, where distractions are dissolved and anxieties calmed, resides the wellspring of peace and joy.

Eckhart Tolle encourages us to pierce through the veil of our mind-made stories and anxieties, urging us to awaken from the “hypnotic trance” of the past and future. He identifies the “pain-body,” the reservoir of past hurts and resentments, as the main obstacle to presence. Through self-observation and awareness, he guides us to witness the pain-body without judgment, allowing it to dissipate in the light of presence

Michael A. Singer invites us to step back from the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions and observe them as a detached witness. This presence-filled “witnessing consciousness,” is our true nature, unmarred by the fluctuations of the mind.

Michael encourages us to relinquish our desire to control and simply let things be. This doesn’t imply passivity; but an acknowledgment that life unfolds as it should, regardless of our preferences. Being present unlocks a reservoir of energy and creativity, allowing us to respond to life’s situations with wisdom and grace.

The benefits of presence are many:
We experience a deep inner peace, unshakable by external circumstances. We connect with others on a deeper, more authentic level, for true connection flourishes in the present moment. And perhaps most importantly, we discover the sacred within ourselves, the eternal being untouched by the drama of the mind.

The journey towards presence is unlikely to be smooth. Distractions abound, pulling us back to the familiar comfort of the past or the alluring anxieties of the future.

Each time we catch ourselves lost in unnecessary or unhelpful thinking or caught up in the belief that we are the pain body, we can choose a mindful breath and strengthen  our presence muscles, creating an inner sanctuary.

And as we practice presence we will begin to realize that presence isn’t just a state of being, it’s a way of living.

Without agendas or expectations each encounter becomes a sacred communion. We create a space of deep connection, fostering empathy and understanding. This ripples through our communities, weaving threads of compassion and acceptance into the fabric of society.

Imagine a world where leaders approach negotiations with presence, prioritizing understanding over winning.

Imagine doctors and nurses offering their patients not just medical expertise, but the calming presence of a fully attentive heart.

Imagine families gathered around dinner tables, savoring the richness of conversation in the absence of digital distractions.

This is the transformative potential of presence, a force that can heal divisions, bridge hearts, and awaken us to the shared humanity that binds us all.

The call to presence is not just a personal journey, it is a collective awakening.

This is the true revolution, the silent uprising of presence, transforming the world one mindful breath, one act of compassion, one fully embodied moment at a time.


Choose LOve

Patsy/Purnima Griffiths

*Thanks to Bard (2023) and Jane Ewins for writing this blog.

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